vineri, septembrie 6, 2024
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Romanian Company PRIME Batteries Completes 5th Largest Energy Storage Capacity in EU

The largest electrical energy storage capacity in batteries in Romania and the 5th in the EU, part of the first hybrid photovoltaic-wind-battery project, installed within an operational wind farm of 50 MW, has just been inaugurated with the significant contribution of PRIME Batteries.

The storage unit has an installed power of 24 MWh – (6MWx4h), is built by Monsson through a unique, patent-pending project, and uses batteries produced by Prime Batteries, Valahia News reports.

The transition to renewable energy must be achieved sustainably. Intermittentness was a problem that needed to be addressed and resolved, as far as possible, at the source generating it. Here, Prime Batteries has assumed the role of solution provider since 2016. We are identified as a battery manufacturer in the market, but our main business is the supply of lithium-ion battery storage solutions. We found a synergy with Monsson because their experience in the renewable energy industry led to projects like the one in Mireasa Park.

Vicentiu Ciobanu, PRIME’s CEO

This first stage is only one of the three stages that will constitute 216 MWh, and storage capacity will be put into operation this year in the same place. The concept is modular and suitable for high-capacity storage solutions, and it uses the latest monitoring and safety technologies for this type of product. The Monsson team created the monitoring and control software usable for storage systems and energy trading. The Monsson solution uses domestic batteries produced by the Romanian company Prime Batteries Technology. The storage unit will be charged with energy produced by the existing 50 MW Wind Farm in operation, with photovoltaic energy produced by the 35 MW Galbiori 2 Photovoltaic Park under construction which will be connected to the grid in 2024, as well as from the national grid, when there is no wind or sun. The control of the hybrid project is fully automatic, remotely, without local operational staff and will work in an integrated system through the proprietary software developed by Monsson.

The investment is made from its sources and was initiated to reduce the volatility of renewable energy production from its portfolio and as an aid to balancing SEN. Thus, the storage unit will ultimately help increase the penetration of renewable energies in Romania and reduce energy costs for end consumers by testing battery functionality to demonstrate the immediate benefits of storage facilities attached to renewable energy production sources. We want to promote such solutions both in Romania and everywhere in Europe,

Sebastian Enache, a member of the Monsson board.

In a landmark move that underscores Romania’s commitment to renewable energy and technological innovation, the inauguration of the largest electrical energy storage capacity in batteries marks a significant milestone. The project, a collaborative endeavour between PRIME Batteries and Monsson, showcases the formidable synergy between experienced renewable energy players and heralds a new era of energy storage solutions in Romania. With an installed capacity of 24 MWh, this initiative is pivotal in addressing the intermittency challenges inherent in renewable energy sources, thereby enhancing the reliability and sustainability of green energy across the nation.

This inaugural phase, the first of three aiming to achieve a total storage capacity of 216 MWh, represents a forward-thinking approach to energy management and a strategic investment in the future of renewable energy in Romania and potentially across Europe. The project’s innovative use of lithium-ion battery storage solutions and cutting-edge monitoring and safety technologies sets a new standard in the industry. It demonstrates a significant leap toward reducing renewable energy production volatility and increasing energy accessibility and affordability for end consumers.

As PRIME Batteries and Monsson expand their footprint in the renewable energy sector, their efforts could increase renewable energy penetration in Romania as a model for Europe and beyond.

Romanian SEO Agency TUYA Digital – 1st in Europe to Offer GEO – Generative Engine Optimization

TUYA Digital, a frontrunner in European SEO & Digital Marketing, has become the EU’s first Generative Engine Optimization (GEO) agency in a groundbreaking move. It marks the start of a new era in which SEO agencies that have focused so far on optimizing your business’s presence in search engines change their approach and add GEO to their services.

This disruptive approach signifies a seismic shift within the SEO landscape, strategically optimizing content for the imminent future of search – AI-powered search engines.

Adam C, TUYA Digital

“As mentioned in our previous communication on our social media channels and website, SEO is no longer enough. GEO has to be considered if you need to rank in 2024 and prepare your business for the Generative Engines. AI is here; we have to adapt to this reality, and if you are the owner of a business that needs online optimization, you have to dive deep into GEO – Generative Engine Optimization. This will ensure clients and your survival in the years to come”.

Adam C., digital strategist @TUYA Digital – SEO & GEO

Demystifying GEO: A Paradigm Shift

For years, SEO has revolved around propelling websites to the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) for targeted keywords. GEO appeared relatively recently and builds upon this foundation, acknowledging the dominance of AI-driven search engines like Bard by Google and Bing’s ChatGPT. These intelligent engines transcend keyword matching, which has reigned until now, and they are meticulously analyzing information from diverse sources to deliver comprehensive answers to user queries.


While the importance of traditional SEO tactics remains undeniable, GEO adopts a future-oriented perspective. GEO – Generative Engine Optimization empowers websites to achieve superior visibility within the rapidly evolving search ecosystem by meticulously optimizing content for understandability, credibility, and the capacity to address intricate user queries.


Target AudienceSearch EnginesAI-Driven Search Engines
Optimization FocusKeywordsContent comprehensiveness, authority, & nuance
Ranking MetricClick-through rate, bounce rate, dwell timeImpression metrics & relevance to the user query
GEO vs SEO comparison


“At TUYA Digital, we’ve always prided ourselves on being at the forefront of innovation,” says Adam C., Digital Strategist at TUYA Digital. “By embracing GEO, we equip our clients to flourish in the impending era of AI-powered search. This represents a monumental leap forward for the European SEO, and we’re honoured to be the pioneers leading this charge.”

TUYA Digital’s proficiency in SEO and GEO positions them as an invaluable asset for businesses seeking to navigate the uncharted territory of the future search landscape.

With their pioneering approach, TUYA Digital is poised to propel clients towards enduring online success in the following years.

Romanian Law Firm Wins Rosia Montana Gold Corporation Case in Washington

Romania won the case against Rosia Montana Gold Corporation, in which Gabriel Resources LTD (GBU.TO) demanded approximately USD 6.7 billion in compensation, according to the decision of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Center for the Settlement of Disputes Related to Investments, Lobby Romania reports.

Gabriel Resources invested EUR 900 million and demanded compensation of EUR 6.7 billion because the project failed. The international arbitration action was initiated in 2015 against Romania by two foreign investors, Gabriel Resources Ltd. and Gabriel Resources (Jersey). It was based on the Agreements regarding the promotion and mutual guarantee of investments concluded by Romania with the Government of Canada (ratified by Law no. 356/2009) and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (ratified by Law no. 109/1995).

The decision was initially announced on Friday evening by Prime Minister Ciolacu, after weeks in which signals were sent from the Government that Romania could lose the trial and be forced to pay huge penalties.

Romania was represented in this process by the Romanian law firm Leaua Damcali Deaconu Paunescu – LDDP and the Swiss firm LALIVE SA.

Leaua Damcali Deaconu lawyers

According to the document through which the decision was communicated, the decision was taken by the majority, and it also establishes a series of damages compensations that the Gabriel Resources company will have to pay to Romania, sums of money related to court costs. It is about EUR 1.1 million, RON 30.3 million and USD 0.928 million.

Simona Halep Allowed to Play in WTA after Court Reduces Suspension


The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has issued the operative part of its decision in the appeal arbitration procedures CAS 2023/A/10025 Simona Halep v. International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA) and CAS 2023/A/10227 International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA) v. Simona Halep.

Simona Halep’s suspension was reduced from four years to nine months, starting from October 7, 2022, which means Simona can get back to playing tennis again.

The appeal procedures before the CAS concerned two separate charges

1. a charge which arose from a prohibited substance (Roxadustat) being detected in a urine sample collected from Simona Halep on 29 August 2022 during the US Open; and

2. a charge that Ms Halep’s Athlete Biological Passport (ABP), particularly a blood sample given by Ms. Halep on 22 September 2022, established the use of a prohibited substance and/or method.

In its decision dated 22 September 2023, the International Tennis Federation (ITF) Independent Tribunal found Ms Halep guilty of both Anti-doping Rule Violations (ADRV) and imposed four years of ineligibility on her.

In the appeal filed by Simona Halep at the CAS against the first instance decision, Ms. Halep requested that the sanction be reduced and be no longer than the period of the provisional suspension already served. In its separate appeal, the ITIA requested that the CAS sanction Ms Halep’s ADRVs together as one single violation based on the violation that carried the most severe sanction and the imposition of a period of ineligibility of four to six years.

The CAS appeal arbitration proceedings involved intensive pre-hearing processes and a three-day hearing on 7-9 February 2024 in Lausanne, Switzerland. The CAS Panel heard from many lay and expert witnesses, most of whom were present in person at the hearing.

The CAS Panel has unanimously determined that the four-year period of ineligibility imposed by the ITF Independent Tribunal is to be reduced to a period of ineligibility of nine (9) months starting on 7 October 2022, which period expired on 6 July 2023.

As that period expired before the appeal procedures were even lodged with the CAS, the CAS Panel has determined it appropriate to issue the operative part of the Arbitral Award as soon as practicable, together with a comprehensive media release.

The CAS Panel has also ordered the disqualification of all competitive results achieved by Ms. Halep from 29 August 2022 (the date of her positive sample) to 7 October 2022, including forfeiture of any medals, titles, ranking points and prize money. Therefore, the appeal filed by the ITIA is dismissed, and the appeal filed by Simona Halep is partially upheld (her request to backdate the start of the suspension on 29 August 2022 is dismissed).

E-Cigarettes Forbidden from Being Sold to Underaged in Romania

The Romanian Parliament has recently approved a measure prohibiting the sale of e-cigarettes to minors, applicable both in physical stores and online. This legislation encompasses electronic devices designed for tobacco heating and disposable or refillable/rechargeable vaping products.

Violations of this law could result in penalties for retailers up to RON 100,000 (approximately EUR 20,000). Moreover, operators and owners of vending machines and proprietors of the premises hosting these machines face potential fines for non-compliance.

The law explicitly forbids the vending machine distribution of tobacco products, e-cigarettes, e-cigarette refill bottles, and tobacco heating devices. It also outlaws selling these items to anyone under 18 years old, as detailed in the legislative text passed by the deputies.

In addition to these measures, the legislation also targets the sale of energy drinks to minors and imposes new regulations on courier services. These stipulations require packages containing tobacco or nicotine products to display a warning label indicating the contents and the necessity of age verification upon delivery.

The legislation further mandates that smoking, including conventional and electronic cigarettes, be banned within educational institutions. Schools must implement specific policies to enforce this rule, with the Ministry of Education playing a pivotal role in defining penalties for violations.

This comprehensive law has been forwarded to President Klaus Iohannis for official promulgation.

Romania’s Ruling Coalition Forms Alliance, Sparking Debate on Democracy

Romania’s ruling coalition, the Social Democrats (PSD) and Liberals (PNL), have joined forces for the upcoming European Parliament (EP) elections, raising both hopes and concerns. The move, ostensibly aimed at bolstering stability and blocking nationalist gains, has drawn criticism from opposition parties and ignited debate on potential democratic implications.

Targeting Nationalism, Boosting Votes?

The alliance aims to counter the rising popularity of the nationalist Alliance for the Unity of Romanians (AUR), particularly among Romanians abroad. Critics, however, question its effectiveness, pointing to analysts’ predictions of vote losses for both PSD and PNL.

Collated Elections: Convenience or Complexity?

Adding another layer of complexity, the coalition proposes combining the EP elections with local polls in June. This decision, justified by a pre-announcement opinion poll, awaits approval from national and European watchdogs and could create a convoluted voting process.

Yet, critics say it is not about the funds to organize the elections but the voting math. Both parties hope to get more votes in an alliance than when they have separate candidates.

Democratization Concerns and Potential Outcomes

Opposition parties denounced the alliance as an undemocratic power grab, fearing a consolidation of ruling party control. Predictions suggest both PSD and PNL might lose ground, potentially benefiting AUR or opposition groups like USR and the Reformists.

Uncertain Future

With mixed motives and potential risks, the alliance injects uncertainty into Romania’s political landscape. Whether it strengthens stability, hinders democratic processes, or reshapes the political map remains to be seen.

Romanian Prosecutors Bring Back Prehistoric Stolen Gold Bracelets


Three prehistoric gold bracelets stolen from archaeological sites in Romania were brought to the country from Belgium on Tuesday, February 20, Visit Bucharest reports.

Two of them were identified when offered for sale at a public auction in the Principality of Monaco. The third bracelet was identified during the home search of the residence in Belgium of the person who submitted the two bracelets to the auction house in Monte Carlo with a view to public sale.

To make it possible to return the bracelets to Romania, it was necessary for the Flemish Regional Ministry – the Department of Culture to initiate a declassification procedure (the bracelets being protected by Flemish law as precious artifacts, being entered on a list of heritage assets)

The phenomenon of prehistoric and Dacian bracelets of the prehistoric and ancient civilizations once living in Romanian territory is already famous. High-value objects are found abroad and brought to the country.

Dacian gold, famous since the time of the Roman Empire, continues to generate international attention, and the artifacts stolen from the Romanian archeological sites will continue, hopefully, to be brought to the country as soon as possible.

History Museum of Romania - gold bracelet

When writing this article, the bracelets are not on display inside the National History Museum, but its administration will undoubtedly do so when possible. Until then, you can admire in the permanent exhibitions other objects with immense historical value for what the cultural heritage of the Romanian people means.

Eurocom Worldwide Appoints Lighthouse PR for Representation in Romania, Republic of Moldova

Eurocom Worldwide, the global PR network, is strengthening its representation in Central and Eastern Europe with the appointment of Lighthouse PR headquartered in Bucharest and covering both the Romanian market as well as the Republic of Moldova.

Founded by Ana Maria and Steve Gardiner, Lighthouse PR is a strategic PR and communications agency that brings a wealth of global expertise with a team of senior communications specialists offering a background of C-level management roles in large corporations. Lighthouse PR focuses on B2B and corporate communications with a strong focus on international tech companies as well as sectors such as energy, finance, pharma, retail & FMCG, industrial production, real estate, and construction.

Moreover, Lighthouse PR is Romania’s exclusive member of the Crisis Communication Network Europe (CCNE), a group of specialist crisis consulting agencies dedicated to European markets. The agency obtained the ISO 27001 certification for information security after securing the ISO 9001 certification for its quality management system in 2023.

The Lighthouse PR strategy has been designed from the start to develop strong, long-term partnerships with both our clients, who we support 24/7/365 with the best communication consultancy Romania has to offer, and other partners with whom we share a vision based on trust, expertise and collaboration. Joining Eurocom Worldwide is an important step in strengthening our position as a trusted partner for companies looking for PR consultants who deliver above and beyond expectations.

Ana Maria Gardiner, co-founder of Lighthouse PR

Eurocom Worldwide is one of the largest independent PR and marketing communications networks with its particular focus on key technology, industrial and commercial sectors. Founded in 2002, it currently comprises 31 member agencies in 54 offices covering more than 90 countries across all five continents. Eurocom Worldwide has a strong presence in Central & Eastern Europe by covering more than 20 countries in the region.

Lighthouse PR perfectly combines the criteria that we look for when appointing a new member agency for our global PR Network. They are an independent PR and marketing communications agency with a clear focus on B2B and technology sectors in two countries that we have not covered yet with a full member. They follow a very ambitious international approach with a team of senior communications experts with global expertise and – what is most important for us – a high aspiration for quality, creativity and continuity which makes all the difference for any client or partner in the world

Isabel Radwan, Network Director of Eurocom Worldwide.

About Lighthouse PR

Lighthouse PR is a Romanian strategic business communication company focused on corporate communication, B2B and B2C communication, reputation management, crisis management and preparedness, employer branding, digital and social media communication and training. The company is active in finance, technology, energy, pharma, retail & FMCG, industry/production, real estate, construction, and services. Lighthouse PR is the sole representative for Romania and Moldova in the Crisis Communication Network Europe (CCNE), a group of 13 PR agencies in Europe specialized in crisis communication, prevention, and management for companies. In 2024, the company joined Eurocom Worldwide, a global network of companies specialising in B2B and technology communications, for which it is also the sole representative for Romania and the Republic of Moldova. The company holds ISO 9001 certification for quality management and ISO 27001 for information security.

About Eurocom Worldwide

Eurocom Worldwide was established in 2002 and is today one of the leading global networks of independent, privately owned PR and marketing communications agencies. Our member agencies specialize in B2B communications with a unique focus on key technology, industrial and commercial sectors. Eurocom Worldwide has 31 member agencies comprising over 800 communications specialists in 54 national capitals and centres of commerce around the globe. Our scope of business exceeds more than 1200 client enterprises and organizations in 91 countries across all five continents.

The Set-jetting Destination of 2024: Bucharest


As reported by Visit Bucharest, Bucharest is the set-jetting destination of the year.

One of the standout trends for 2024 is the increasing popularity of set-jetting, where travellers seek out picturesque locations from their favourite films and TV shows. Recent data indicates that 29% of US travellers now turn to TV and film for travel inspiration. Regarding TV and film, Bucharest plays a crucial part, as many international productions are filmed in Romania’s Capital. ranked Bucharest, Romania, as the top set-jetting destination for 2024 for the success of ‘Wednesday,’ the famous Netflix show. The show’s huge success is expected to drive substantial growth in Romania’s tourism industry, with fans flocking to iconic locations like Casa Monteoru, Casa Niculescu-Dorobantu, and Bucharest Botanical Gardens. 

Wednesday Addams

Far from being just a layover spot, Bucharest is the cultural epicenter of Romania and no.1 on this year’s list of set-jetting destinations. Nicknamed “Little Paris of the East,” the city shot into the spotlight after it was featured in the second most googled TV show of 2023: Wednesday. Here, fans can find the best gothic sets from the Addams Family reboot, including Casa MonteoruCasa Niculescu-Dorobantu, and Bucharest Botanical Garden. on Bucharest

One of the most searched-for expressions related to Bucharest is Wednesday Series Filming Locations, which takes one of the top spots, especially among the American public. This means that Americans are the most numerous tourists to fly to Bucharest and visit the places where their favourite show has been filmed.

Jet-setting could be the next best thing for international tourism in Romania, as the country has plenty of filming studios where famous American or international productions have been filmed.

Romanian Entrepreneurs Choose Dubai to Escape High Taxation in the Country

Romania’s entrepreneurial landscape is transforming, with rising taxes and regulatory complexities making it challenging for aspiring business owners. As a result, many Romanian entrepreneurs seek alternative destinations to nurture their growth ambitions. Dubai has emerged as a promising business destination, offering a combination of business-friendly policies, a thriving commercial ecosystem, and a global network of opportunities.

Why Dubai is Attracting Romanian Entrepreneurs

Romanian entrepreneurs are drawn to Dubai for several reasons:

  • Tax Advantages: Dubai has a zero corporate tax rate and does not impose personal income tax on non-resident shareholders. This tax-neutral environment gives Romanian entrepreneurs a significant financial advantage, allowing them to retain more of their profits and reinvest them in their businesses.
  • Regulatory Simplicity: Dubai is known for its easy-to-comply regulatory framework and transparency. The government has streamlined the business registration process, making it easier for entrepreneurs to establish their companies and obtain the necessary licenses. This streamlined approach reduces administrative burdens and allows businesses to focus on their core operations.
  • Diverse Business Ecosystem: Dubai has a diverse and dynamic business ecosystem, encompassing a wide range of industries, sectors, and multinational corporations. This vibrant environment provides Romanian entrepreneurs with access to a vast network of partners, suppliers, and potential customers, fostering business growth and opportunities for collaboration.
  • Gateway to Global Markets: Dubai is a strategic gateway to the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia, giving Romanian entrepreneurs access to a vast and untapped market of over 3 billion consumers. This strategic location allows businesses to expand their reach and tap into new revenue streams.

A Paradigm Shift in Entrepreneurial Thinking

The migration of Romanian entrepreneurs to Dubai signifies a shift in entrepreneurial thinking. It is no longer just about tax considerations but a holistic assessment of the business environment, regulatory landscape, and global connectivity. Dubai’s unique blend of these factors makes it an attractive destination for Romanian entrepreneurs seeking to propel their ventures to new heights.

Emerging Opportunities and Challenges

Romanian entrepreneurs face opportunities and challenges as they venture into the Dubai business landscape. While tax advantages and a business-friendly environment provide a strong foundation, understanding cultural nuances, adapting to local business practices, and establishing a solid network of connections are crucial for success.

Supportive initiatives, such as government programs, business matchmaking events, and networking opportunities, are emerging to assist Romanian entrepreneurs in navigating the Dubai business scene. These initiatives provide valuable guidance and resources, helping entrepreneurs overcome challenges and maximize their potential.

A New Chapter in Entrepreneurial Journeys

The decision of Romanian entrepreneurs to set up companies in Dubai marks a significant milestone in their entrepreneurial journeys. Dubai’s business-friendly environment, diverse ecosystem, and global connectivity provide a fertile ground for growth and innovation. As Romanian entrepreneurs embrace this new chapter, they are poised to contribute to Dubai’s economic success and establish a strong footprint in the global marketplace.