vineri, iulie 19, 2024

Romanian Government

Romanian Citizens Travel to Türkiye Visa-free

Romanian citizens can travel to Türkiye only with their ID card after June 1. The announcement comes after Turkish President Recep Erdogan signed a presidential decree on the occasion of the official visit of PM Marcel Ciolacu. No visa...

Romanian Law Firm Wins Rosia Montana Gold Corporation Case in Washington

Romania won the case against Rosia Montana Gold Corporation, in which Gabriel Resources LTD (GBU.TO) demanded approximately USD 6.7 billion in compensation, according to the decision of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Center for the Settlement...

Romania’s Ruling Coalition Forms Alliance, Sparking Debate on Democracy

Romania's ruling coalition, the Social Democrats (PSD) and Liberals (PNL), have joined forces for the upcoming European Parliament (EP) elections, raising both hopes and concerns. The move, ostensibly aimed at bolstering stability and blocking nationalist gains, has drawn criticism...

Prince Charles in Bucharest, Romania

Prince Charles of Wales visited Bucharest Wednesday, May 25th, meeting with Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca and President Klaus Johannis. The discussions focused on the refugee crisis in Ukraine and Romania's support for the neighboring country. The Romanian President and the...
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Latest News

Time Off Guru Launches in Romania Automated Leave Management Software for Businesses

Time Off Guru Romania, a premier leave management software, announced its official launch in Romania. This innovative platform promises...
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