WRS wins the National Selection in Romania and will represent the country at the Eurovision Song Contest 2022 in Turin with the song Llámame.
WRS represents Romania at Eurovision 2022. Who ranked second and third?
WRS wins the national contest in front of Kyrie Mendel, who ranks second with ‘Hurricane’, and Doina Gaitanovici, who ranks third with ‘Ana’.
As Eurovision is a very controversial contest, both at the European and the national level, maybe you’d like to see the second and the third place as well.

Here is the second performance: Kyrie Mendel – Hurricane (Eurovision România 2022 – video | live).
And here is the third place: Dora Gaitanovici – Ana (Eurovision România 2022 – video | live):
Maybe some would say the second or third are better, while others would defend the national winner. Either way, the winner was decided following the jury’s decision and the public vote. More than 12,000 Romanians voted for their favourite in the National Selection – Selectia Nationala, the national competition to select the winner.

Who is WRS?
WRS is the stage name of Andrei Ionut Ursu, born on January 16, 1993, in Buzau, Southern Romania.
WRS used to dance for famous Romanian singers and approached the singing career only later, in 2015. In 2017 he moved out to London and began composing music. His debut song was Why, in 2020.
Hard work always pays off! Thank you all, see you in Turin!
For those who want to see who represents Romania in the semi-finals in Turin, on Thursday, May 12, please enjoy the song: