While the European Union promotes women empowerment through gender equality, as it believes that diversity should be encouraged and men and women should have equal opportunities, Romania is a state that makes no exception to the rule. Inspired by the European way of thinking, this country strongly believes that women are brave, beautiful and powerful and that they ought to have the same opportunities to grow as men do.
Women Empowerment in Romania – Challenges
That is not to say that Romania didn’t face its fair share of challenges regarding this issue. After the collapse of communism in Romania, new issues that had never been addressed before emerged, one of them being the issue of gender equality. After it adhered to the European Union, a set of measures meant to promote the rights of women were passed, but it was never easy. One of them was the dissolution in 2010 of the National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men, following the financial crisis that hit the country. During this time, an increase was noticed in the rate of unemployment for women of about 1.8 per cent, while the rate of unemployment for men was only 1.2 per cent.
It hasn’t been the only difficulty women empowerment in Romania has had to face. However, in the present, thanks to the efforts made by the European Union, women benefit of way more opportunities to grow than they did before communism fell.
Women Empowerment in Romania – Claret Credit Romania case study
Women empowerment in Romania is encouraged by a way of thinking that strongly believes that creativity and homogeneity are the most important ingredients in a team. Homogeneity and creativity are key ingredients in a team’s success. This is because all members work together in the same direction. The same goes for creativity. It will make it easier to complete tasks and solve problems faster.
It is common to hear about the gender gap in the workplace. Many women don’t hold high-ranking leadership positions within companies in some countries. This is not uncommon, but the Romanian companies have many women who have built successful businesses and helped many people who were looking for quick financing solutions. These companies consider women to be a fundamental pillar of their businesses. One of the examples of this fact is the way Claret functions as an institution.
The women of Claret have been able to bring a positive change to the company, through their professional way of dealing with any problem, showing patience, calmness and professionalism. They handle all situations encountered calmly, managing to create a relationship based on trust with any client. They are the ones who interact with customers, trying to understand the reasons why they turn to an IFN and give them the best advice in order to choose a loan. The women of Claret empathize with those who come to ask for financial help from the company’s IFN and put themselves in their situation to be able to offer them the ideal solution in order to overcome the obstacles caused by the lack of money.
At Claret, the position of CEO also brings with it many responsibilities. As a woman, it is sometimes difficult to make your presence felt in a male-dominated world of business, but the determination I have shown has helped me advance and occupy this important position within this IFN. The team is made up of many strong and courageous women who show professionalism every day. The ability to work under pressure is vital for this leadership position, but I am a confident woman who can handle any difficult situation.
– Laura Leanca, CLARET general director (CEO)

With their well-defined vision, their spirit, their creativity and the ease with which they carry out their tasks, the women of Claret manage to create a work environment conducive to performance. In addition, the presence of strong and determined women in the company’s collective will always be an asset that Claret will have in front of any competitors.