Home Entertainment Romanians Set World Record for Most Giant Star Wars Diorama from Lego...

Romanians Set World Record for Most Giant Star Wars Diorama from Lego Pieces

Lego Diorama

The members of RoLUG (LEGO® User Group from Romania), with support from LEGO Romania, built the most giant diorama of LEGO® pieces in the world. The record was recognized by Guinness World Records™ at East European Comic Con, 2024 edition.

The diorama, composed of over one million LEGO pieces, pays homage to the Star Wars™ universe and integrates key scenes from the Star Wars Rebels animated series and elements and characters from the original trilogy. Its total area of 45,746 square meters, covered exclusively in LEGO® pieces without any other supporting structure, led to the project being approved by GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™.

The model recreates all the landforms on the planet Lothal in the Star Wars™ universe, with battleships and over 1,500 minifigures placed in dynamic scenes.

A team of 26 RoLUG members built the world-record diorama over three years. The last square meter was completed with the contribution of fans attending East European Comic Con, who each added a piece.

At The LEGO Group, we believe in creativity as a way to discover, cultivate and express passions. I am glad we share the same vision with our partners at RoLUG, with whom we have demonstrated what passion and creativity can do when brought together. The world record we enjoy today is an essential moment in the Romanian market and the most substantial encouragement to continue to be active close to communities and their passions.

Valery Kasimov, Country Manager Romania & Bulgaria LEGO Group.

Creative Lead: Bence Czilli
Project Coordinator: Botond Czilli
RLUG Ambassador: Mirona Constantin

Team members: Adrian Jiman, Alex Tass, Alexandru Ilea, Armin Naghi, Catalin Bordea, Catalin Corpade, Cristian Frunza, Dragos Ivan, Edina Dorotea Babtan, Eduard Stanescu, Eric Jiman, Erik Davidsson, Horatiu Coifan, Marius Bugeac, Mihai Dreve, Nicolae Sohaci, Rares Teodorof, Sorin Ilie, Sorin Olaru, Stefan Bugeac, Tamas Lapsanszki, Tiberiu Popescu, Negreanu, Vlad Carbuneanu



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